Redeeming the time - RSWC Service - 2020-04-08


FRIDAY - 6:00 PM Worship Service | Tuesday - 6:30 PM / 108 W Spring ave, saratoga, wyoming Call/text (307) 329-7240

Apr. 08, 2020


Pastor Arlen shares how Time is one of the most valuable commodities that we have, it's more valuable than money. You can make more money but you can't make more time.
Queen Elizabeth said on her death bed I would give my entire kingdom for just one more day.
When you woke up this morning you was given a gift, it's called today.
The scripture tells us to redeem the time.
Colossians 4:5 (King James Version)
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
Don't let this day go to waist, don't live this day unhappy, negative, defeated.
You can never get this day back.